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关键词:  Rh阴性  孕妇  抗-D抗体  新生儿溶血病  自体备血
XU Wenhao;HUANG Yajuan
(Shanghai Jiaotong University affliated Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital)
Objective: To study antenatal immunity test and outcomes of Rh-negative pregnant women.Methods:287 cases( 1. 25% in 22880 cases) of Rh-negative pregnant women delivered in Shanghai Sixth People hospital from January 1 st,2010 to December 31,2016 were retrospectively analyzed.Rh( D) blood group was identified by a micro column gel method,and the same as serum anti-D antibody.The Rh phenotype detection was done Serology method and the hemolytic disease of the newborn was used indirect antiglobulin test,serum free antibody test,absorption and elution test. Some Rh negative pregnant women were implemented autologous blood at 37 weeks of gestation.Results: Among 287 cases of Rh-negative,12 cases had anti-D antibody and the positive rate was 4. 18%.Among the 12 cases of anti-D positive,their Rh phenotype were all ccdee and they all had history of childbearing.In 90 cases which had one history of birth,there were ten cases had anti-D antibody( 11. 11%),in 15 cases which had two history of birth,there were two cases had anti-D antibody( 13. 33%).287 Rh negative pregnant women had 290 child births,among which 8 newborn had neonatal hemolytic disease,the incidence rate was2. 75%( 8/290).In the 12 cases of anti-D positive,there were 1 case died because of fetal neonatal hemolytic disease and 7 cases were cured and 4 cases were normal with free of jaundice symptoms.There were 146 pregnant women implementation of autologous donation safely.According to the delivery way of childbirth,287 cases were divided by cesarean section and vaginal delivery,comparing postpartum haemorrhage amount with autologous donantion and unautologous donation,respectively,the result showed that they had no significant difference( P >0. 05).Conclusions: It should be pay attention to the pregnant women who had childbearing history and whose Rh phenotype is ccee,which tend to produce anti-D immune antibody.However,this does not necessarily lead to hemolytic disease.Based on maternal and fetus conditions,autologous donation is safe and valuable in Rh-negative pregnant.
Key words:  Rh-negative  Pregnantwomen  Anti-Dantibody  Newbornhadneonatalhemolyticdisease  Autologousdonantion

