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关键词:  术前新辅助同步放化疗  局部晚期宫颈癌  根治性手术  术后辅助治疗
Clinical Study on Preoperative Neoadjuvant Concurrent Chem oradiotherapy Versus Postoperative Adjuvant Concurrent Chem oradiotherapy in the Treatment of Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer
GE Junli;SUN Jidong;LI Jia
(Xijing Hospital,the Fourth Military Medical University)
Objective:To explore clinical efficacy of preoperative neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy versus postoperative adjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy( CCRT) in the treatment of locally advanced cervical cancer( LACC).Methods:The clinical data of 444 LACC patients with stage ⅠB2-ⅡB( International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) receiving robot assisted radical surgery( RS) at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Xijing Hospital from January 2013 to December 2016 were retrospectively analyzed.According to whether treated with preoperative CCRT,the patients were assigned into two groups.Totally 264 patients with preoperative CCRT were assigned into CCRT+RS group,while the other 180 patients with postoperative adjuvant CCRT and without receiving any adjuvant therapy before operation were assigned into RS +CCRT group. Compared with Intraoperative and postoperative conditions,chemotherapy and side effects,recurrence and survival conditions in two groups.Results:①The total effective rate of preoperative CCRT( CR +PR) was 92. 6%,including 9. 1% in CR rate and 87. 1% in PR rate.②There was no significant difference in operation time,intraoperative blood loss,postoperative hospital stay,postoperative ventilation time and postoperative catheter indwelling time(P>0. 05).③Comparison between the two groups of patients at staging ⅡA,the 3-year distant metastasis rate and mortality rate of CCRT+RS group was lower than that of RS+CCRT group( P<0. 05).The 3-year disease-free survival rate and 3-year overall survival rate were higher in the CCRT+RS group than that in the RS+CCRT group(P<0. 05),The difference was statistically significant(P< 0. 05).④The incidence of acute bladder toxicity and lower extremity edema in patients with RS+CCRT group was higher than those of in the CCRT+RS group,and the difference was statistically significant( P<0. 05).Conclusions:Using preoperative neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy combined with radical surgery in the treatment of LACC could improve the recent disease-free survival and overall survival,without increasing the risk of surgery,and can reduce the incidence of lower extremity edema and 1-2 acute bladder reaction.The conclusion still requires a large sample of clinical validation
Key words:  Preoperativeconcurrentchemoradiotherapy  Locallyadvancedcervicalcancer  Radicalsurgery  Postoperativeadjuvanttherapy

