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关键词:  中央性前置胎盘  剖宫产  子宫切口  产后出血  分型  子宫切除
Discussion on the Feasibility of the New Classification and Management of Central Placenta Previa
JIANG Qingyuan;DU Xiaohong;ZHANG Qin;XIONG Qing
(Sichuan Provincial Hospital for Women and Children)
Objective:According to the results of magnetic resonance imaging examination,the central placenta previa was classified into new types,and to explore the outcomes of the pregnancy after different management according to the new types and different type of cesarean section incision.Methods:In department of obstetrics in Sichuan provincial hospital for women and children between January 2013 and March 2017,247 cases of central placenta previa were selected to be divided into typeⅠ(137 cases),type Ⅱ a(56 cases),type Ⅱ b(31 cases),type Ⅲ(23 cases) according to the results of magnetic resonance imaging examination of the placenta.The pregnancy outcomes of the patients,the different type of cesarean section incision and the results of the operation were analyzed.Results:(1) There was no difference in age,gravidity and gestational weeks among the four types(P>0.05).But compared with the other three types,the proportion of scar uterus was highest in type Ⅲ,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The time of parity in type Ⅲ was significantly higher than that in typeⅠ,typeⅡa,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).(2)There was no difference in rate of preoperative bleeding,preoperative blood loss,preoperative hemoglobin and emergency operation rate among the 4 types(P>0.05).The incision of the uterine of TypeⅠ was transverse incision of lower uterine segment;the incision of the uterine of typeⅡa was transverse incision of lower uterine segment and holing the placenta at the same time.The incision of the uterine of typeⅡb was transverse incision of uterine body to avoid the placenta.In typeⅢ:9 cases were transverse incision of lower uterine segment,4 cases were transverse incision of lower uterine segment and holing the placenta,10 cases were transverse incision of uterine body to avoid the placenta.(3)Type Ⅲ had the most of the blood loss,the lowest of postoperative hemoglobin,the longest operating time,the highest rate of placenta increta,blood transfusion,and hysterectomy,the longest hospitalization time and the most hospitalization expenses,compared with the other three types,the differences were all statistically significant(P < 0.05).There were significant differences on the operation time and blood transfusion rate among typeⅡb,type Ⅱa and typeⅠ,there was no statistical difference on the other indexes among type Ⅱ b,typeⅡ a and type Ⅰ(P > 0.05).Conclusions:The new classification of central placenta previa can screen the higher risk cases,different types of central placenta previa can use different cesarean section incision to obtain a better pregnancy outcome.
Key words:  Centralplacentaprevia  Cesareansection  Incisionoftheuterine  Postpartumhemorrhage  Newclassification  Hysterectomy

