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关键词:  反复胚胎种植失败  临床妊娠率  淋巴细胞主动免疫治疗  淋巴细胞免疫表型
Study on the Effect of Lymphocyte Immunotherapy and the Change of Lymphocyte Immunophenotyping in Repeated Implantation Failure
CHEN Dan;LIU Zhongwei;CHEN Hui;MENG Yushi
(The Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University;First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University)
Objective:To investigate the efficacy of active immunotherapy of lymphocytes in patients with unexplained recurrent embryo implantation(RIF) and the changes of lymphocyte immune phenotype in peripheral blood before and after treatment.Methods:Lymphocyte active immunotherapy(LIT) was performed in 83 patients with unexplained RIF in the study group.96 patients with unexplained RIF in the control group were not treated with special treatment before transplantation.And embryos were divided into fresh embryo and frozen embryo.The embryos were all high-quality embryos of the cleavage stage.After the LIT,the fresh embryo was transplanted into the study group A(51 cases).Fresh embryo transfered without LIT as control Group A(57 cases).LIT was treated with frozen embryos for study group B(n = 32) and frozen embryo transfered without LIT in control group B(n =39).The clinical pregnancy status of each group was compared and the immunophenotypic changes of peripheral blood lymphocytes were observed before and after LIT treatment.Results:(1)The clinical pregnancy rate(47.06%)in study group A was higher than that in control group A(22.81%),and the clinical pregnancy rate(46.88%) in study group B was higher than that in control group B(23.77%)(P<0.05);there was no significant difference on the clinical pregnancy rate between study group A and study group B(P>0.05).(2) Compared with before treatment,the ratio of CD3~+CD4~+T cells to lymphocytes in peripheral blood decreased after LIT treatment,the ratio of CD3~+CD8~+T cells to lymphocytes increased,CD4~+/CD8~+ratio decreased,NK cells(CD3-CD16~+CD56~+) on lymphocytes decreased,all the differences were statistically significant(P <0.05).Conclusions:Active immunotherapy of lymphocytes can promote the successful pregnancy of patients with RIF.Active immunotherapy of lymphocytes may promote the immune phenotype of peripheral blood lymphocytes to enhance the direction of maternal immune tolerance.
Key words:  Repeatedimplantationfailure  Pregnancyrate  Lymphocyteimmunotherapy  Lymphocyteimmunophenotyping

