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(青岛市妇女儿童医院; 青岛大学附属医院)
关键词:  Ⅲ型去乙酰化酶SIRTUIN1  免疫组化  宫颈病变  宫颈癌
Expressions and Clinical Significance of SIRT-1 in Normal Tissue and Different Staging Lessions of Cervix
ZHANG Huiwen;MA Dehua;ZHANG Lei;ZHAO Shuping;
(Qingdao Women and Children’s Hospital;The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University)
Objective: To investigate the expressions of SIRT-1 protein in normal cervical tissue and different cervical lessions and it’ s clinical significance. Methods: Using western-blot method and immunohistochemical method( SP) to detect SIRT-1 protein expression level in normal cervical tissue( 24 cases) 、low-grade squalors intraepithelial lesion( 26 cases),the high-grade squalors intraepithelial lesion( 35 cases) and cervical cancer group( 55 cases); and to discuss the relationship between clinical pathological parameters with cervical cancer tissue. Results:(1)The positive expression rate of SIRT-1 protein in normal cervical tissues,LSIL,HSIL and cervical cancer tissues were 0. 00%,15. 38%,37. 14%,40. 00% respectively,the difference was statistically significant( χ~2= 16. 82,P <0. 05),and the trend test was statistically significant too;(2)Cervical cancer tissues SIRT-1 protein positive expression rate in different histological differentiation degree( G1-G3) was statistically significant( χ~2=6. 87,P<0. 05); the difference between lymph node metastasis group and lymph node metastasis-negative group was significantly different( χ~2=7. 73,P<0. 05),and is associated with clinical stage( χ~2= 7. 39,P <0. 05); the protein expression rate of SIRT-1 was not significant correlated with the histopathological types( χ~2= 1. 03,P>0. 05). Conclusions: The expression of SIRT-1 gradually strengthen with the deterioration of the cervical lesion,and cervical cancer histological differentiation degree,with or without lymph node metastasis and clinical stage. The over-expression of SIRT-1 may play a promote role in cervical cancer occurrence and development process
Key words:  Sirtuintype1  Immunohistochemistry  CervicalLesions  Cervicalcancer

