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关键词:  唇腭裂  产前诊断  染色体  染色体基因芯片分析  回顾性研究
A Retrospective Study of 308 Cases of Prenatal Diagnosis of Cleft Lip and Palate
HE Qianyun;YANG Yuanxiang;CHEN Min;LI Zhihua
(The Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University)
Objective: To explore the relationship between fetal cleft lip and palate and the chromosome abnormalities,meanwhile provide the data support for clinical consultation and prognosis evaluation of the disease. Methods:We made retrospective analysis on 308 pregnant women who were diagnosed with cleft lip/cleft palate/cleft lip and palate by ultrasound in our hospital from january 2008 to december 2016. The incidence of ultrasonographic phenotype and chromosomal abnormalities of different types of cleft lip and palate were analyzed. Results:(1)The ultrasonographic results showed that there are 258 cases( 83. 77%) belong to non-syndromic cleft lip and palate in 308 patients,while the remaining 50 cases( 16. 23%) are syndromic cleft lip and palate. Among these patients,the number of cleft lip,cleft lip with cleft palate and cleft palate were 40 cases( 12. 99%),266 cases( 86. 36%)and 2 cases( 0. 65%) respectively.(2)137 cases( 44. 48%) agreed to prenatal diagnosis and we found chromosome abnormalities in 22 cases( 16. 06%). There were 12 cases( 52. 17%) of chromosomal abnormalities in 23 cases of syndromic cleft lip and palate,including 8 cases( 66. 67%) of 13-trisomy,2 cases( 16. 67%) of 18-trisomy and 2 cases of triploid( 16. 67%). In the other 114 cases of non-syndromic cleft lip and palate,we found 10 cases of chromosomal abnormalities( 8. 77%),including 1 case of 18-trisomy,1 case of 21-trisomy,1 case of chromosome marker,4 cases of genetic syndrome such as microdeletion of gene deletion,3 cases of intracranial inversion and other chromosome polymorphisms. The incidence of chromosome abnormalities detected by CMA was 16. 16%( 16/99),while the chromosome abnormality detection rate was 15. 79%( 6/38).(3)Followed up to204 patients,186 patients selected induction of labor,18 patients accepted surgery intervention after fetal born.Conclusions: The incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in fetus with cleft lip and palate was higher and prenatal diagnosis is recommended for all types of the disease. CMA can dectect copy number variation( CNV) except for the aneuploidy. For the cleft lip and palate of the fetus,it is recommended to give priority to a CGH for prenatal diagnosis.
Key words:  Cleftlipandpalate  Prenataldiagnosis  Chromosome  Chromosomalmicroarryanalysis  Retrospectivestudy

